wizard staff.png

Wizard Staff

Overview: A great add-on for any day of drinking. As you finish your beers, duct tape them together to try and create the best/most creative staff.

No. of Players: 2+


  • Duct Tape


  • This is usually used more as a secondary or bonus game!

  • Buy the beer you plan to drink that night and have a big roll of duct tape on hand!

  • Decide if players will be playing individually, or divide into teams.

How to Play:

  1. As you or your team finishes beers, duct tape them together to begin to create a staff or trident or whatever object you're feeling.


  • You can only add the beer can to the staff once it is finished.

  • Create whatever rules you'd like! Judge the staff by height, number of beers, creativity…go nuts and have fun!