The Finger Game
Overview: Get your head out of the gutter, this is the Revelry go-to when we have no supplies! Players all place a finger on the center cup and take turns trying to guess how many will remain on the cup. 3, 2, 1, go!
No. of Players: 2+
1 cup
Take an empty cup and place it in the middle of the table and all the players.
Everyone playing must pour a little of what they are drinking into the cup (even if it is not the same kind of drink, get mixing!)
Everyone places one of their index fingers on the rim of the cup in the middle.
How to Play:
Going around in a circle, each player takes turns trying to guess how many fingers are going to remain on the cup.
The player guesses begins to countdown from 3.
Immediately after 1, all players must make the decision to either leave their finger on the rim of the cup or lift if off.
The player guessing (at the same time after 1) guesses how many fingers they think are going to be left on the top.
If the player guesses the number correctly, they are out of the game and safe (objective is to not be the last person left).
If the player guesses wrong, they must remain in the game and it moves to the next person to guess.
When removing your finger, you cannot hesitate, and must make it a clear and obvious removal or else you drink.
You are not allowed to celebrate. If you guess correctly and you celebrate (high fives, fist pumps, saying "yes!") you must drink and you are back in the game.
Every time you guess incorrectly you must take a drink (your main drink on the side).
The last person standing, who did not guess correctly, must drink the mixed concoction.