Stack Cup
Overview: A fun drinking game for a large group of players. Players take turn trying to bounce a ping pong ball into their cup to make their opponents drink.
No. of Players: 4+
As many cups as you want to drink
2 ping pong balls
A round-ish table
Place one cup in the center of the table. This is the death cup. Everyone pours a little of their drink into the death cup, which the loser will have to chug. A shot can be added to make it even worse.
Place as many other cups around the death cup as you would like, forming a large cluster of cups around the center. The pattern of the cups doesn't matter, they just need to be touching and placed around the death cup (typically a large amount, like 20 cups). Fill these cups with a small amount of your drink of choice, like a beer pong game.
Players spread out evenly around a round table.
2 players start with a cup in front of them, filled with some of their drink, and a ping pong ball in their hands. Typically these players are on opposite sides of the table, because the point of the game is to slap someone's cup when two players next to each other are competing at the same time.
How to Play:
Stack cup follows similar rules to slap cup, but instead of slapping cups after beating another player, you stack the cup onto their current cup.
At the same time, the first players must first drink what's in their cup, then try to bounce the ping pong ball into the cup.
Once you have bounced the ping pong ball into your cup, you pass the empty cup and ball to the player to your right.
The purpose of the game is to "catch up" to the other player.
If you "catch up" and the player directly to your right has the other cup and is trying to bounce their ball in, and you bounce your ball in before them, stack your cup by placing it into their cup.
The stack of cups and ping pong ball then get moved to the player immediately right of the player who just lost.
The person whose cup just got stacked must grab a cup from the middle it, drink it, and continue trying to bounce the ball into the now empty cup.
Once they make the ball into their new cup, the cup and ball continue to move around the table like normal until someone else is able to "catch up" and stack someone's cup.
At any time should be one single solo cup with a ball trying to be bounced in and a large stack of cups with a ball trying to be bounced in.
Continue stacking cups and drinking until the only cup left in the middle is the death cup. The loser at the very end of the game will have to chug the death cup. Then fill up all the cups and start over!
If you bounce the ball into your cup on your very first try, you can move the cup and ball to any person anywhere on the table, you do not have to move to the person directly to your right.
Once you make the ball in the cup, you may choose to shoot it one more time. If you make it, the cup begins to move around the table in the other direction until someone else can switch it back. If you miss, you must continue shooting until you make it again to move the cup in the normal direction.
If at any point in the game you accidentally bounce the ball into one of the drinking cups in the middle, you must drink the cup the ball landed in, stack that cup into your current cup (embarrassing), and shoot into your new stack of cups.