Liar’s Dice
Overview: Very similar to BS poker, liar's dice tests players ability to deceive and call out others in order to stay in the game. Players roll a number of dice and must guess (lie) about how many total are on the table.
No. of Players: 3+
3-6 dice per player
1 cup per player
Every player gets an empty cup.
Every player gets the same number of dice (any amount is acceptable, more dice = longer game).
How to Play:
At the same time, all player shake their dice in their cup, and then flip their cup onto the table (keeping the dice under so no one can see).
Everyone looks at their own dice at the same time. Lift the cup just enough so you are the only one who can see them, you do not want anyone else knowing what you have.
After picking a player to start, the first player must make a guess as to how many dice of a certain number are on the table (example: 3 dice are showing the number 4). It is usually best to start low or with what you are confident based on which dice you have.
Going around the table, the next player must then make a decision, to either one-up the previous guess or to call the previous person a liar.
If the player decides to guess, they must guess something higher in either value or quantity of dice, they cannot guess something lower. Example: If the first player guesses three 4's, the next player can guess three 5's or three 6's, OR four 2's, four 3's...etc.
This continues until someone calls liar.
Once someone is called a liar, all players show their dice from under their cup.
If the person calling liar is correct, the "liar" must remove one of their dice from play, if the caller is wrong, the caller removes one of their own dice. Example: If the previous player guesses five 3s, and you call them a liar, once everyone reveals their dice you count the number of dice showing a 3. If there are at least five or more 3's showing you lose and remove one of your dice. If there are any number less than five 3's showing, you are correct and the liar removes one of their dice.
This is repeated until there is only 1 player with dice left, who is declared the winner.
Drink every time you are wrong or are caught "lying".