King’s Cup
(Also called Circle of Death or Ring of Fire)
Overview: A classic and easy to pick up drinking game. Great for quick drinking with large groups of players, where each card drawn has a different rule. Don't crack the top!
No. of Players: 4+
Can of beer
Deck of cards
Setup: Place a can of beer in the center of the table. Take a deck of cards and spread them out, face-down, in a circular ring around the can of beer. Ensure all cards are overlapping in the circle.
How to Play:
1 player picks up one card from the pile, ensuring that they do not break contact with the circle of cards.
The player then performs the action based on the card drawn (see below).
Put the card under the tab of the beer can (be careful not to pop it)
Repeat with the next player in the circle until all of the cards are gone, the circle of cards is broken, or until the beer becomes cracked.
The player who cracks the beer while placing their card under the tab or breaks the circle of cards is the loser and must chug the beer.
Drinking Rules:
Each card represents a different action. The suit of the card does not matter, only the value. There are many different variations of the rules, so choose what you like to play. Common alternates are shown in parentheses, and more options to choose from are shown at the bottom.
2: You - The person who drew the card can select 1 other person to drink .
3: Me - The person who drew the card drinks.
4: Floor - Point to the floor. Similar to "nose goes", the last player to point to the floor drinks. (Alt: "Whores" - all females drink)
5: Guys - All males drink. (Alt: "Drive" - see below)
6: Chicks - All females drink. (Alt: "Dicks" - all males drink)
7: Heaven - Exact same concept as "Floor". Point to the celing, last player to point up drinks.
8: Date - Pick another player to be your "date". Any time you drink, they have to drink. Any time they drink, you have to drink. Dates last until the end of the game. Dates can also be combined. If another person picks a date card, they can join and create a throuple. (Alt: Dates only last until the next 8 is drawn. At that point the current couple is disbanded and new date is formed)
9: Rhyme - Say a word, going around the circle of players, each player must rhyme with the first word. The person to repeat a word or is not able to rhyme must drink.
10: Categories - Pick a category such as cereal brands, car models, etc. Starting with the player who drew the card, each player must name an item in that category and the person to repeat a word or not be able to think of an item must drink.
Jack: Thumb Master - The player that picks this card leaves it face up on the table in front of them. At any point in the game, they may place their thumb on the table (player does not have to announce it). All other players must then place their thumb on the table, and the last player to do so must drink. Once another player pulls a Jack, they become the new thumb master and current thumb master must place their card under the beer tab with the others.
Queen: Question Master - The player that picks this card leaves it face up on the table in front of them. At any point in the game, they may ask questions to any other player as many times as they want. If someone answers their question, they must drink. The only acceptable answers are to either ignore the question master or to say "Fuck you". Once another player pulls a queen, they become the new question master and the current question master must place their card under the beer tab with the others.
King: Make a Rule - The player that picks this card can make any rule for the rest of the game. Some examples are no cursing, no pointing, can't call anyone by their name, you can only drink with your non-dominant hand, etc. The opportunities are endless; use your imagination. If any player breaks any rule at any time, they must drink. Place the king card immediately under the tab of the beer with the other cards. All rules stay in effect until the end of the game. When another King is drawn, a new rule is made and all existing rules must be followed as well.
Ace: Waterfall - Start by asking a question to the person immediately to your left and right. It must be a simple question that they both know the answer to and can quickly answer. The person who gets the question right determines which way the waterfall goes around the circle of players (clockwise or counterclockwise). All players start drinking at the same time. You cannot stop drinking until the player immediately before you stops, starting with the player who drew the card, at which point you can continue to drink or stop at your own regard.
Alternative Rules:
Drive (generally used on 5): The person who drew the card picks a type of vehicle and starts the game. Everyone pretends to hold a steering wheel in their hands. Player starting says "vroom" and turns their steering wheel to either the right or the left. Based on the direction picked, the next player in the circle can either say "vroom" and continue moving in the current direction, or say "screech" and move the steering wheel in the opposite direction, reversing the circle. If "screech" is said, "vroom" now continues in the other direction and "screech" would return the game to its original direction. The first player to incorrectly say "vroom" or "screech" or to incorrectly move their steering wheel in the proper direction, loses and has to drink.
Never have I ever: Players hold up a certain amount of fingers on their hand (generally 5, but can start with less to make the game go faster). Players take turns saying things they have never done, trying to get other people to put their fingers down. If someone has done something that is said, they must put one of their fingers down. Continue taking turns until someone has all of their fingers down and has to drink. If more than one person gets out in the same round, they both drink.
Social (generally used on King): All players cheers in the middle and drink