Flip Cup
Overview: We probably don't have to explain this one. Drink. Flip. Next. Great for large groups of players.
No. of Players: 6+
1 solo cup per player
Team lines up along the long side of the table, facing the other team.
Every player gets one cup in front of them on the table.
You can fill up your cup with as much drink as you'd like, as long as you match the opponent directly across from you.
Match up with the player across from you to ensure that there is the same number of cups/players on each side.
How to Play:
1 person (and the opponent across from them) are chosen to to start.
After matching up drinks, on "go", both people chug their drink, place the cup slightly over the edge of the table, and using one hand, flip the cup so it lands on the table open side face down.
Continue to flip the cup until it lands face down.
After successfully flipping your cup, the next player on your team is allowed to start and this continues down the line until an entire team has all drank and flipped their cups.
First team to flip all their cups wins.
The next player cannot grab their cup to start until the person before has successfully drank and flipped their cup.
There does not have to be an equal number of players, just equal number of cups. If a team has less people, someone can drink and play multiple cups.
Variation Rules - Survivor Flip Cup:
At the end of each round, the losing team must vote off one member of their team.
The same number of cups is poured out every single round of this game, regardless of how many people are voted out.
The team that has less teammates must drink multiple times in order to complete the line of cups.
This continues until one of the teams loses all of it's players.
Another way to continue this game is to merge into one team once half the total number of players have been voted off.
Once the merge is complete, for each round all players flip their cups at the same time and the first player to successfully flip their cup wins immunity and cannot be voted off. The rest of the players then vote to eliminate one player. If there is a tie during the vote, there is a head to head match with the winning player staying in the game.
Variation Rules - Last Man Standing:
Instead of competing as teams, all players play individually and flip their cups at the same time.
The last player to successfully flip their cup is eliminated.
This continues, eliminating players one by one, until there is one player left standing.