Beerio Kart
Who doesn't want to drink while playing Mario Kart? Players have to finish a beer before the end of the race, but can't drink while driving. I call Yoshi.
No. of Players: 2+
Gaming system with Mario Kart
Each player starts off with the same amount of beer (usually half a beer or a full beer).
Put in Mario Kart.
How to Play:
Play a Mario Kart circuit.
During each race, each player must finish the decided amount of drink before the end of the race.
You may never drink while you are driving. In order to drink, you must come to a stop and put down the controller (or drink right after the race start before you start going).
You may not start drinking before the race starts.
You must finish your drink before you cross the finish line on the last lap.
You may drink if you fall off the map while you are being re-placed on the track.