
Beerio Kart

Who doesn't want to drink while playing Mario Kart? Players have to finish a beer before the end of the race, but can't drink while driving. I call Yoshi.

No. of Players: 2+


  • Gaming system with Mario Kart


  • Each player starts off with the same amount of beer (usually half a beer or a full beer).

  • Put in Mario Kart.

How to Play:

  1. Play a Mario Kart circuit.

  2. During each race, each player must finish the decided amount of drink before the end of the race.


  • You may never drink while you are driving. In order to drink, you must come to a stop and put down the controller (or drink right after the race start before you start going).

  • You may not start drinking before the race starts.

  • You must finish your drink before you cross the finish line on the last lap.

  • You may drink if you fall off the map while you are being re-placed on the track.