Beer Pong (21 Cup)
Overview: Similar to classic beer pong, but 3v3 rapid fire games instead of turn based. More people = more drinking
No. of Players: 6
46 Solo Cups
3 Ping Pong Balls
21 cups on each side in a triangle formation (6/5/4/3/2/1)
Fill the cups with beer (3 beers per side)
2 cups on each side filled with water (to clean the balls in between shots)
Teams of 3 on each side of the table.
How to Play:
21 cup beer pong is played similarly to classic beer pong and follows many of the standard rules (hand rule, fingering/blowing, same cup), but does not include balls back because of the rapid fire, and not turn based, nature of the game. Revelry rules are generally not followed (fire, behind the back, island), but bounces can be used if desired. See Beer Pong (Classic) for standard and Revelry rules.
21 cup starts the same as classic beer pong with one person from each team shooting eye to eye to determine which team starts with all three balls.
There are two ways to play 21 cup which are outlined below: Standard and Wild West
Standard Rules:
Each player on a team pairs up with an opponent on the opposite team. These opponents are paired throughout the game and can only shoot using their "pair" ping pong ball.
One team starts by shooting all three ping pong balls at the opposite team's rack.
Once the game has started, there are no "turns" like classic beer pong (i.e. You don't have to wait until everyone on the other team shoots before you can shoot). Players can shoot in rapid fire succession as soon as they have a ping pong ball, but in standard play, you can only shoot your paired opponent's ping pong ball back.
Once a team has made enough cups for a re-rack, that team must call re-rack for the other team to re-rack their cups.
Re-racks are available every decreasing pyramid size until a team reaches 4 cups, at which point re-racks are available every time a cup is hit. This means re-racks can only be performed at 15 cups, 10 cups, 6 cups, 4 cups, 3 cups, 2 cups, and 1 cup.
If a team misses a re-rack opportunity (i.e. They are down to 14 cups, but did not re-rack at 15 cups), they cannot re-rack and must wait until the next opportunity (10 cups in this example).
If a team calls for a re-rack incorrectly (i.e. Calls for re-rack at 16 cups), they forfeit the opportunity for the re-rack they were trying to get (15 cups).
After a re-rack has been called, all ping pong balls are able to be swatted away and returned to their shooter until the re-rack is complete (the game pauses for the re-rack).
The game continues rapid fire until one team makes the final cup.
After the final cup is made, all 3 ping pong balls are returned to the winning team and they get a chance to make the final cup again.
If a member of the winning team makes the final cup again, their opponent "pair" does not get a chance for rebuttal. If the member of the winning team misses, their "pair" gets rebuttal.
Rebuttal follows the same rules as classic beer pong. Team members shoot until they miss for a chance to send the game into OT.
Overtime in 21 cup consists of another full game of 21 cup. (Not really an overtime is it? Kind of just a full rematch.)
Wild West Rules:
Wild West 21 cup is played the same way as standard 21 cup, except at the beginning of the game, team members do not pair off with an opponent on the other team.
No one on the team is restrained to just one ping pong ball, anyone can shoot any ping pong ball at any time.
Team members cannot, however, hold more than one ping pong ball in their hand at a time. If they catch a second ping pong ball, they must give it to one of their teammates and cannot shoot both.
Re-racks can only be in the form of a smaller triangle as shown below if visuals are more your thing.