Overview: A card game where a player's influence and ability to make others drink is determined by where they placed in the previous game. Players attempt to get rid of all their cards first. As usual, try not to be the asshole.
No. of Players: 4+
Deck of cards
Setup: Deal out full deck of cards to all players evenly
How to Play:
The object of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand.
The first game is played to determine the order. The person out first is the President. The 2nd player out is the Vice President. The last person out is the Asshole. The 2nd to last person out is the Vice Asshole. All other players are citizens.
The asshole must shuffle and hand out all the cards.
The president gets to pick 2 cards to take from the asshole and 2 cards to give them, and the VP gets to choose one card to take from the vice asshole and one card to give them. You do not have to split pairs or triples or quadruples.
The president plays the first card.
Players go around the circle, one by one playing a card that beats the card already played. The card played must be equal to or higher in value than the card currently displayed.
If a player has more than one of a card, (doubles, triples, quadruples) they can be played to beat any single card. After multiples have been played, players must beat that hand (ie. double 4's beats double 2's, triple 5's beats double 8's)
If you cannot play any card, you get skipped and must drink. Play continues until no one can play any card, at which point the asshole clears the table.
The last person to play a card in the previous round is the first person to play a card in the next round and can play any card they choose.
Card Rules:
2's are wild and clear the hand immediately. The person who plays the 2 gets to start by placing down any card they like.
4's act as a skip. A 4 can be played on top of any card (except for another 4). The next player following the skip must still beat whatever was underneath the 4. Example: If a player plays an Ace, the next player may play a 4. The following player has to beat an Ace, not the 4.
When a 4 is played, everyone must yell "social" and everyone drinks.
If the same card is played on top of itself, the next player is skipped. Example: If the player before you plays a queen, you can also play a single queen. In doing so, you skip the turn of the next person.
You cannot play a 2 or a 4 as the first card on an empty pile.
You cannot play 2's or 4's as pairs.
You cannot end with a 2 or a 4 as the last card in your end. If so, you are automatic asshole. If multiple people end with 2's and 4's in their hands (God help you all), the player who ended with a 2 or 4 first is the asshole, and the next player to end with a 2 or 4 is vice asshole.
Asshole Rules:
The ass hole is responsible for all the bitch work during the game.
The ass hole must shuffle and deal the cards. While shuffling and dealing, the asshole can make players drink as much as they like.
During the game, the asshole is responsible for clearing the cards from the table.
If anyone touches their cards before the game starts, before the asshole, they must drink.
Vice Ass Rules:
The Vice ass has no power. Change your one card with the Vice President and move on.
Citizens Rules:
Citizens have no power. Enjoy the free ride and try not to piss anyone off.
Vice President Rules:
Before the game has started, the VP gets to ask the Vice ass for one card in his hand of his choice.
President Rules:
The President has all the power once the game starts. At any time the President may tell anyone to drink as much as they want.
When a 2 is played or the cards need to be cleared, the President begins to knock on the table. He continues to knock until the asshole clears the cards. The asshole must drink as many times as the President knocks before the cards are cleared.
The President can make up drinking rules during the game. These rules can stay in effect for as long as they like or until a new President revokes them. The rules cannot override the basic rules of the game (otherwise a smart President could change the game so they always win).